Current Endorsers of SB1090
Charlie McDermott 
“The current policy guarantees more people will be killed on the beach . . .“
I URGENTLY ASK CITIZENS, PUBLIC AGENCIES, AND ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS TO SUPPORT SB1090. I have spent time on the beaches of Leucadia with a professional coastal engineer and a representative from the Davis family and was shocked to see hundreds of places on the bluffs showing degradation from water seepage and pitting, weakening the bluff’s integrity.
But, there were several sections that are stable and safe because 40+ years ago a short non-intrusive concrete wall was built to protect the section of bluff from the intertidal zone. This is only one type of solution used to save the bluffs without having to build the large unsightly walls.
It’s a travesty that public agencies and private property owners have not been allowed to protect our beaches in significant ways. SB1090 will change that and help prevent another tragedy such as that horrific day last August when three beautiful women were forever lost to us.
Julie Thunder Candidate for Mayor of Encinitas
Julie Thunder 
Candidate for Mayor of Encinitas
Kristin Gaspar 
San Diego County Supervisor
Having gone recently on a shoreline site visit with a coastal engineer and representative of Dr. Davis’ to learn about bluff erosion, I stand fully in support of SB 1090 to use a variety of proven, effective approaches to mitigate erosion.
The unchecked seepage, pitting, and bluff decomposition have already claimed too many precious lives. Many techniques, not all of which are retention walls, need to be employed in different areas, in different ways, as the science dictates.
No one should have to experience what Dr. Davis’ family has, and we must take immediate steps to mitigate coastal erosion and prevent future fatalities on public beaches.
I urge all residents, the Encinitas Mayor and City Council to strongly support SB 1090 and sign the bill’s petition. Beach goers should not have to fear for their lives for the sake of extreme ideology and trial lawyers.
Susan Turney, Encinitas Candidate for District 2
Susan Turney 
Encinitas Candidate for District 2
I walked the Encinitas beaches with the Davis family representative, experts, and concerned citizens to listen and understand first-hand what the issues, history, and potential solutions are.
It is clear that SB1090 is the only solution to mitigating a clear and present danger to public safety. As your next Assembly member, in the 76th District, I will put public safety at the top of my list.
To not support SB1090 would be a dereliction of duty and a grave disservice to the tragedy the Davis Family has endured.
Melanie Burkholder, PhD Candidate for the 76th District State Assembly
Melanie Burkholder PhD 
Candidate for the 76th District State Assembly
Last August 2nd, 2019 a large boulder of sandstone fell from the hillside above Grandview Beach in Leucadia, California. Sitting below and enjoying the beautiful summer day were Julie Davis, her daughter Annie Clave and Julie’s sister, Elizabeth Charles. Julie had her husband Dr. Pat Davis sitting beside her, and Elizabeth had her daughter Rachel next to her. Pat heard a loud sound and turned to see Julie, Annie and Elizabeth crushed by the horrific impact of the falling slab of stone. Fortunately, their grandchildren had just run into the ocean, but can you imagine! Life does move on, but the impact of such an event will last forever for these families. I have known Pat and Julie and their family for almost 40 years. Pat’s motives for undertaking SB 1090 were tearfully stated to me the first time my wife and I walked into his house after the accident. Through reddened and swollen eyes he looked at us and said “I don’t ever want to see anyone else go through what I saw yesterday- Ever again. I will make it my life’s mission to do whatever I can to prevent that from happening. ” Bill SB 1090 is designed to limit the chances of such a tragedy happening to you and others who enjoy the beauty of our beaches. Read the content of the bill and give the petition your support. If there is anything that can be done to prevent people from dying we must step forward now and act. Safety has to be a priority. Remember, the safety of everyone does NOT have to be in conflict with all of us enjoying our amazing coastline.
Thank you for your help.
Jim Quigley
Retired Encinitas Ca. Family Physician